Art & Design Prompts

The Art Challenge Workbook

If you love to draw but have trouble thinking of a subject or, if you enjoy a challenge and want to practice thinking outside the box, this workbook is perfect for you! You’ll be challenged with 98 design prompts.

Each of the page is blank behind so there’s no need to worry about your pictures bleeding through to the next page, just use a couple of pieces of paper or a thin piece of cardboard to protect your next drawing.

Sample Art Prompts

An elephant on a ferris wheel

An abandoned tree house

An oasis in the dessert

The Design Challenge Workbook

The Design Challenge Workbook is a fabulous tool to help you practice your critical thinking skills while having fun! There are 50 interesting challenges, all with things to consider while creating your designs.

There’s a page to take notes on the left and a page to sketch your ideas on the right.

Sample Design Prompts

An underground bunker – things to consider:safety features, rooms, interior, location, technology

A coffee shop – things to consider: layout, items for sale, decor, location

A school – things to consider: ages, location, classes, facilities, security, dining options